

I created this poster last semester for a project. We were asked to create a Social Issue poster in a week. Here's what I came up with.


I've been messing around with logos and designs for all these different jobs and projects, then I realized, I need something for myself. Here's my latest version of the e.hamer design logo for my business card (front- first image, back- second image).


Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Olive Oil jugs: 3 flavors- Traditional, Pistachio, Sun-Dried Tomato, 
Olive Oil Dipping Dishes, Olive Oil Baster, Olive Oil Sprayer

The Man Behind the Music: Bob Dylan
CD and CD brochure/holder

RAW Vegan Cuisine
RAW Menu, RAW match box, RAW Dessert Menu Candle,
RAW Cocktail Menu Candle, RAW Chopsticks



Well I haven't really done so well at keeping up with my blog... obviously. I have been super busy working on a ton of portfolio projects, so half of the stuff I put up here will probably be up again in it's newest and final form. I have to create 10 projects for my portfolio, photograph them, and put them into a portfolio book. Come April I will have my first art show, which will display all of my graphic design and hopefully I can sneak in a couple of non-graphic design pieces.

One of my projects will most likely be a website of my stuff... I'm keeping my fingers crossed on that one.

But until I get the time to put stuff up on here, feel free to check out
where there are fabulous pictures, including a couple of me.

Until soon... hopefully.



I studied abroad in Europe for a semester and took a life drawing class and painting portraiture class with this eccentric woman named Kathy. She was great, super inspiring.

I loved drawing this lady, despite the awkward perspective. (First picture)
Meet Dot. (Second picture)


One day my dear friend Katrina came up to Orange County and seeing that we had a blank canvas, a pellet gun, and tons of left over house paint we decided to put our creativity to good use and make this.

It's amazing what comes from scattered bags of paint, pellets, and gravity.

The final piece doesn't have the blue tape on it. Eventually, I'll get a picture of the finished piece up here.


Here's just some stuff that I played around with.
The sketches are from my sketchbook I had in Europe.



Considering that I couldn't find a job this summer, I spent some of my time creating things.

Here's some of the things I created....

I found an old shoe box full of my dad's old treasures. I put it all together in an open frame for him for Fathers Day. If you have good materials it just can't go bad. (First picture)

At the house I lived in in San Diego last year, there was this furniture piece that no one wanted so I took it, stripped it, and re-did it. Sam and I found an old copy of the Wizard of Oz with these really sweet illustrations in it, so we ripped it up and mod podged it onto the shelves and then painted the body of it. I love it! (last 2 pictures)


A few years ago, I went on a missions trip to South Africa
with my youth group. When I got back, I did some pieces
that were inspired by my trip.

Make sure to check out www.lifewater.com. It's a non-profit organization
that builds wells and teaches sanitation to people living in poverty.


Last year, we had a branding project in my production graphic design class. The project was to pick any product that's sold in a grocery store and create our own brand of that product.
I chose olive oil.

Check it out!


Last year I worked for my school's Student Government as the Special Projects Designer. One of my projects was to design information posters for the ASB Elections for 2009.


My sister started her own floral design business.
Here's some stuff I did for her.

Check out her website too! www.freshlafleur.com


I helped my aunt out last year by making a postcard for her to send out to help promote her business. She works for Arbonne International as the Vice President of Sales (I think...). They had this new concept for Arbonne sales people called "Shop With A Purpose" or SWAP. Basically, instead of buying all your basic cosmetic needs from a store, i.e. Target, you buy it from your own Arbonne account and gain profit back from your purchases for yourself. It's something like that.

Anyway, here's the logo and postcard front that I designed.
It's nothing fabulous but it does come in 4 colors!


Well I have one year left to suck all I can out of Point Loma to become the artist I have always aspired to be. Yeah I'm being dramatic, I know I have my whole life to figure out my artistic self. I haven't taken a web design class yet, and frankly, the idea of web design is super intimidating. SOOOO I decided to take the easy route, for now, and just post my creative endeavors here.

Things that are to be included on my art blog:
Designs that serve a purpose
Designs that serve no purpose but are good enough to share with the world
Random sketches
Arts and Crafts
T-shirt designs
Non t-shirt designs
Whatever comes to mind that day-- perhaps a poem

So who knows how this thing will go... but cheers to you for taking the time to read this