

So when I created this blog, I had high hopes and lots of time. Now I just have high hopes. I officially have no fingernails left. The thought of everything coming at me so fast makes my stomach do flips, both in anxiousness and celebration. In 5 days everything that I've done and talked about and worked towards will be complete and on display. That's right, the moment has come, Monday May 3rd my Senior Graphic Design Show opens!! Woohooo!

It's been a surreal experience. On the first day of orientation at PLNU, you go to a department meeting and they tell you why your major is so great and what opportunities there are for you. The two things I remember are: study abroad in Europe (check!) and during your senior year you will have a show exhibiting all your portfolio work (almost check).

I am nervous, excited, in denial, in shock, soooo excited! I'll hopefully have pictures of the opening on here soon. I hope you can make it!



As promised, I've figured out how to make a website for myself! It was WAY harder that I thought it'd be... I'm sure with practice it'll get easier... hopefully.

Check it out:

Your feedback is appreciated!


Samuel and I sat down yesterday to make his business cards... here's a preview! We'll get a picture up here once we get these babies printed.

Oh and check out his new and improved blog: muelphotography.tumblr.com
After getting my website figured out, we're working on his... I'll let you know when we get it up and running!


Here's some of the latest... enjoy!

The first is a book of short stories that a friend of mine wrote called The Adolescent Tales of the Brothers Shaw.
The second is faceless pictures which is a small film production company.
The third, fourth, and fifth is Violette et les Amis (Violette and Friends) which is a book I wrote and illustrated about a little girl who lives in Paris.



So Samuel has been bugging me FOREVVVVER to make him a logo and a business card. Since I got all the adobe programs on my computer I had no way of procrastinating any longer. Instead of the verbally overwhelming name: Samuel Nelson Photography, we came up with Muel Photography. He's a sucker for a cool nickname. : )

Here's what we came up with:

samuelnelsonphotography.blogspot.com... check it out!



So I'm at the point where I'm counting down the days until I graduate!! It's so exciting and scary and stressful and exhausting and exciting!!! So, here is a sneak peak at my portfolio book. It's hand crafted and made with love.

(Please ignore the hideous carpet in the background... when I'm not a poor college student I might be able to live in an apartment that doesn't come with carpet like this... I'll try to have better photos
of it up soon.)




I created this poster last semester for a project. We were asked to create a Social Issue poster in a week. Here's what I came up with.